
The Facts
-1 in 3 women will have an abortion by the time they reach 45 years of age.
-84% of women having abortions are not married.
-65% of women who obtain abortions identity themselves as Christian.
-Abortion is one of America's most common surgical procedures.
-Only 5% of abortions are obtained due to rape or incest, fetal abnormalities, or risk to maternal health. All others are performed because a child would be an inconvenience.
-In the US, abortion is legal and easily obtained throughout the entire pregnancy, for any reason.
-Abortion almost always leads to severe forms of at least one of the following: guilt, anxiety, psychological "numbing,"suicidal thoughts, flashbacks of the abortion, preoccupation with becoming pregnant again, decreased ability to bond with present children, development of eating disorders, substance abuse, abusive relationships and other self-degrading behaviors, and brief reactive psychosis. For this reason, there are hundreds of post abortion recovery groups across the country.

Types of Abortions - Read At Your Own Risk
-There are two main types of abortions: the abortion pill, and surgical abortions.

-The abortion pill can be used at up to 9 weeks gestation. The pill works by blocking the hormone which protects the lining of the uterus - progesterone. Without this precious security blanket, the baby cannot survive and is miscarried. This type of abortion is quite uncomfortable and painful in that it causes severe cramping and bleeding, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and chills (not fun). There is also a risk of allergic reactions, incomplete abortions (a really sugar-coated way of saying you've got parts of a growing baby still inside of you), infections, and undetected ectopic pregnancies.

-There are numerous methods of surgical abortions depending on circumstances.
An aspiration abortion is used during the first three months of pregnancy. It is performed by inserting a sharp suction tube into the womb, dismembering the baby, and sucking the body parts out.
In a D & E (dilation and evacuation), the abortionist grabs the baby's arms and legs with forceps, crushes the skull, and tears the baby apart.
Partial-birth abortions are used up to 32 weeks old (when the baby is more than viable). The abortionist pulls the baby out in breech position, jams scissors into the back of the baby's head and spreads the blades apart in order to create a hole in the skull, sucks the brains out with a suction tube, crushes the baby's head, then pulls the dead baby out the rest of the way.
Saline abortions are used in the second and third trimester. A saline salt solution is injected into the mother's womb. The baby then gulps that solution and is burned inside and out. The child dies from salt poisoning, dehydration, brain hemmorhage and convulsions. It is a very long and painful process for the child. The mother is then to deliver the dead baby within 48 hours.
In prostaglandin abortions, violent premature labor is induced at a time in which the baby cannot survive.
A hysterotomy is a C-section in which the baby is murdered by the doctor or nurse after being removed from the mother's womb.