Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way

I've been really busy with missions and other things these past few weeks, which is a really good thing because it generally means I'm surrounded by people I love, but it can also be a way that Satan distracts me from the important issue of abortion. I've received several remarks from a few different people (who are not pro-choice, mind you), all along the lines of me being a "crazy pro-lifer." Whatever. That stuff doesn't usually bother me, but it does get a bit irksome after a while.

The other day, after an amazing week at Camp Electric, my friends and I were road tripping back home and stopped to grab some lunch. In the restaurant I saw a lady who had a pro-life t-shirt on, and me, being the outgoing gal that I am, complimented her on it. She then proceeded to go out to her car (well adorned with pro-life bumper stickers) and gifted me with four white bracelets. What a blessing! Not only do I have a symbol to wear every day of my stand against abortion, but I also finally came across somebody else who is just as passionate about the cause as I am, which is such an encouragement. Thank you Pro-Life Lady, I'll remember whenever I look at my bracelet!